
I started moonlighting at a tiny creative hot shop called Bartle Bogle Hegarty in 1983 while studying at Central St Martins. I stayed there a long time. A very long time. 33 years.

I have always been motivated by the opportunity to do mould-breaking creative work amongst like-minded people, and I saw no reason to move.

I spent the formative years of my career working closely with Sir John Hegarty, learning the trade. I went from being art director, to being on the board and ECD.

I lead Axe (Lynx) for 14 years culminating in developing the Axe website and awarded mobile work, I was the ECD on all the Unilever accounts with BBH globally.

In my last few years at BBH I worked on Baileys, introduced Gordon the Boar and was behind the phenomenon that was Yeo Valley

After the death of my beloved husband, I tried pastures new and worked for two years at AMV as a creative partner and head of art. 

I left to do my own thing in 2019.

What is that? You wonder… Well… I’m having fun doing things I feel passionate about.

And what are they?

Freelance work as a creative. 

Creative consultant on anything from how to train up your CD’s, find new talent or organise a department.

Pitch consultant.

I run masterclasses and teach for D&AD, SCA and a number of other colleges and universities.

I am available for talks and workshops.

I continue to be a judge for all the advertising award schemes.

I have featured in a Channel 4 documentary called “From the Top” on life as an advertising creative. 

I am the resident advertising expert for Channel 5’s Wonderful World of Chocolate.

I was President of D&AD in 2012 presiding over the Charity’s 50th year where I introduced a new award - the White Pencil, awarded to work that does good in the world.

I have two sons and three step daughters, love dogs and fencing (swords not stolen goods!)

As one of the very few female creatives of my generation I’m passionate about changing diversity in creative departments - for all of my career I have felt a bit like Ginger Rodgers- who did everything Fred Astaire did but backwards and in high heels!

My work has amassed many awards including: a Lifetime Achievement award; six Cannes Golds and a whole other pride of Lions; over fifty D&AD pencils; and five Campaign Golds… BUT I am still wanting to win a Black Pencil… oh, and a white one.